So I had planned to have the Print O' the Wave stole done this weekend, and I got pretty close. I'm one short end's edging and some grafting away from it being ready for blocking. I can't remember if I talked about this one at all. I've been working on it for about 6 weeks. The yarn is Jade Sapphire Cashmere/Silk in Tuscan Sunset. Its my favorite kind of golden yellow and its CASHMERE so of course I'm in love with it.
It's wound up being ENORMOUS. Like I have been draping it over my legs as I work and if it weren't lace it would make a lovely blanket. I'm pretty sure blocked its going to be about as long as I am tall (which - I'm 5'9") and unblocked its wide enough to cover my shoulders and back (this says a bit about how I've been managing the thing while working on the edging I suspect).
So its not done, but its close and I'm looking forward to seeing it finished even if the size means its a little (a lot) warm to be wearing right now.

I got distracted from finishing by my spinning.
I went to a workshop out in paige on Saturday for carding the colorwheel. We took the three painters and three printer's primaries and blended them with hand cards to get a full color palette. Its the kind of thing I've been meaning to try forever but was never going to get around to without guidance.
My carding abilities could still use some work but I really loved seeing how everything blended up and I tend to forget how different the effect is when using the two separate color sets. After we finished the wheels we went on to blend the two palettes and then tried adding in black/white/grey/tan to tone the shades.

I think I'd like to try this further and card a full shawl's worth from one shade through a neutral and into another to get a truly gradient-spun yarn for some lace.