See how totally justified I was in getting more Wollmesie?
It helps that the skein on the far right is just about the perfect shade of Subaru Blue....
I am kind of on a casting on frenzy right now. I've been pulling out all my large quantities of yarn and picking patterns for them to become. I have some silvery grey shine sport that I got in swap that I've started an Aleita Shell with and I've been swatching for a Hey Teach! out of the bag of 2nd time cotton that I've been ignoring forever (The pattern in this case isn't exactly my usual style, but I've been looking for things I could wear to work and I can kind of see doing this over a cami or a t-shirt and having it look reasonably put together).
I have come to the ultimate conclusion that the 4 skeins of Misti Alpaca Pim & Silk DK that I have look absolutely horrid with my skin (much more so now that I've got some color back from all this sunlight and am not a walking pasteboard) and am trying to figure out if I can't overdye it to a darker orange and mute out the peachy undertones. In which case I think it would make a nice short sleeved Decimal or Buttercup.
I've still got some undecided sport weight gold rayon (about 800yds) and dk-lightworsted weight black bamboo (about 900yds) that I haven't decided what to do with as well. I sort of have it in my head that if I keep busy knitting all my big quanities that a) I can justify buying more garment yarn quantities and b) I can managed to spin a garment amount of something to knit (my current dream is to spin up enough off-white organic cotton to knit a Delphine).
In contrast I'm hiding all my partially finished projects to avoid frogging everything I've touched in the past two months. I'm not sure why, but I don't like ANY of it right now and I'd really like the bulk of it to just go away.
And also I'm trying to talk myself out of looking at spinning wheels. Because I really really want a second one and I'm a little bit in love with a big saxony production wheel I saw a few weeks ago that I probably can't justify right now (maybe in a few months... especially if all my overtime keeps up because damnit - I am spending some of that money on something fun and not just paying off bills with it. I had to sit through the extra hours every week and its not fun and I don't like and I WILL GET SOMETHING I WANT OUT OF THE DEAL. So there).
Must stay busy or wheel will win.
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