Today I grabbed the latest issue of interweaves on the way out the door with the vague notion of casting on the Wasabi Peas Socks (I didn't get around to that and considering how much I am not into knitting largely stockinette socks right now I may not for awhile but whatever). When I packed myself back up to come home the back of the magazine was facing me with the Gathered Cuff Cardi taking up the back panel. Its pretty much exactly what I was looking for - simple, open front cardigan with 3/4 set in sleeves and a drapey sort of silhouette. And the gauge is pretty damn close to my swatch - near enough I'm pretty confident going up a needle size will nail it.
Now I just have to find the pattern (Why, oh why, doesn't everyone just post their stuff in PDF's online? WHY? Also - individual pattern sales, people. I do not actually want anything else in that booklet).

There was frantic yarn winding and the grabbing of pattern books on the way out the door this morning, which ended up being both pointless and stressful because a) I ran out of time to get ready and then had to do a mad search for my suddenly missing keys and b) My geodesic cardi is still in that nice smallish mindless place where I can carry it around in lieu of my usual knitting and since I managed not to grab a pattern I really wanted to work on anyway I wound up knitting on that instead.

Anyway, morning knitting crisis aside, these are most awesome socks. They're knit from the cabled handspun I finished back last summer sometime (which is really funny because I wrote that post about how excited I was about not washing socks in the sink anymore and I am totally back to washing socks in the sink these days - I am at least using the washer to spin them out though). I probably could have lined up the color gradients exactly - I had the yardage left over for it - but I like that they are fraternal.
The upside to finishing these?
No, handspun cabled sock yarn is not awesome to knit and no I don't need to put myself through spinning it ever again. Ha. (I do however really need to get on with spinning more non-cabley sock yarn because now I am out of handspun sock yarn and that makes me twitchy).
I love handspun socks.
They are always my favorites to wear and super durable and super comphy and I just love them.
These are awesome. At least as much so as my previous ones. Maybe more because they're not just stockinette. They are pretty and they fit well and the pattern was fun and easy and satisfying to knit. I've already worn them twice and today was sock laundry day and I shall wear them again at least once this week even though its getting to be sandal weather.
Yay socks.

I want to say that I really really love it. And I really do like the look and fit. It does, however, have an annoying habit of falling off my shoulders and I am back to my opinion that raglans do not make good cardigans for me. I shall file this under things I know about stuff that fits or does not fit me and will not forget it just because the pattern photo is pretty. I think maybe they are OK for pullovers or things I will wear buttoned up most of the time (the FLS has a habit of falling off me if I don't close it as well so this is not an isolated incident).
On the upside, it does fit and is very nice looking on and if I wear it and don't move around much its lovely. Someday when I have a job again and am back to working in an office meat locker I think I shall use it for an A/C buffer jacket.