I was mostly a very good little yarn crawler. I told myself I was going for the freebies and the experience and that I'd limit myself to small quantities of things that I had a specific plan for.
And mostly I did.
I got some snarky gift cards, and some red-orange lace (because its going to weave perfectly with that copper tencel that's been sitting on my shelf forever) and some Nyoni because it matched my shirt that day and will also weave well blended with the purple (which did not match my shirt but did look really good with the teal) and some glow in the dark yarn.
Because last year I was kicking myself for not getting any.
It really does glow in the dark too:

And then I got to the Tinsmith's Wife.
I love that place. They have all kinds of unusual yarns... lots of indies and things you just don't see at the other shops. I wandered around for awhile trying to settle on something I wanted because really, I wanted half the store but I was trying to be good and nothing was jumping out and screaming YOU NEED ME.
And then I found the Malabrigo sock yarn.
Normally I would bypass this because, though I love it, its not that unusual. I can get Malabrigo in a lot of places. Its not crawl-level-special.
Except well.. when it is.

Because they had three skeins in Archangel.
Which is backordered to the end of time everywhere for some reason and also happens to be in my color obsession of the moment. Its all glow-y and pretty like.
It needs to be a cardigan.
Right now in my queue are these possiblities: Honeybee, Whisper, Celery, Myrtle, Tempest, Featherweight & Pas de Valse
I don't know which to pick.
I am currently working on another featherweight & Tempest was the cardigan to defeat me last year, but I'm not sure if those are strikes against them or not.
HELP! I need to cast on right now. RIGHT NOW. NEED.
The glow-in-the-dark yarn: so cool, and yet, so ... weird! What are you going to make with it?
Archangel: Yessss, it is plenty beautiful. Very nice.
I vote: Pas de valse. Or whisper.
I vote honeybee.
and freakin tell me the name of the glowing yarn. must have it. now.
Its called "Night Lights" and it comes from "Woolstock Yarn Shop"
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