Ignore the trauma of packing yourself up or saying goodbye to friends or in my case the enormous stress of just going somewhere, no job lined up or anything and basically hoping for the best (in my defense - the situation isn't any worse than it was in Kentucky, and at least there are more than Zero job postings in my field here in a given month).
My stash is in storage.
I did justify bringing a small bit of yarn with me - two or three rovings, a couple of socks worth and I still have the Feathweight to finish. But still...
I can't begin to describe how traumatic that is. If I want something and its not something I brought with me I can't just go get it. Its not THERE. Its in a box. Somewhere that is not here. Somewhere that I cannot reach it.
Sure - I could go buy more yarn (if I ignore that budget thing), but its not MY yarn. Its not MY stash. Its new yarn. Its not the same.
I am trying to cope. Yesterday was hard, because I was going down to bookpeople to see the Yarn Harlot and was trying to think what I wanted to take to work on. I wasn't working on any socks, my Deadpool mitts are down to the fingers of mitt #2 (or redoing the duplicate stitching on mitt #1) and my Featherweight is a row or two away from moving the arm stitches to somewhere else. So nothing in a nice position of relative mindlessness that was also easily portable.
Solution is easy: cast on some socks. Nice easy stockinette socks. Toe up. I can knit them in my sleep (or while laughing like a maniac - whatever). And I know just the yarn - there is 45g or so leftover from my first pair of handspun socks and I'm done with the black section on my DP mitts so I can use that for the heels & toes. Awesome. I go to get the Handspun.
Which isn't there.
Because its in a box somewhere other than where I am.
I settled for casting on with the Wollmeise I had left over from my Porphyria mitts. To console myself the lack of handspun I also took along my longterm spindle project and got about a third of my fourth cop of that spun when my hands needed a break.

Bad camera phone picture of the Yarn Harlot ^
The talk was awesome in spite of my stash-crisis, and the WM sock that got most of a foot finished is pretty (its not handspun but WM is my next favorite sock yarn thing). I'm thinking that its going to end up being a toe-up version of the Flame Thrower Socks, since I have some Campari Orange left from my Rick socks that would look good for that I think (and also so I don't feel bad for doing something boring with my WM). The Yarn Harlot is as funny in person as everyone says she is. And I felt much less OMG WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME after the event than I have all week. Panic has been something of the order of the week for me.
Possibly it was the knitting, possibly it was the laughing. Probably a bit of both.
Anyway, fun stuff. The group that showed up was an eclectic bunch. Old, young, male, female... you name it. We pretty much overran the upstairs of Bookpeople. I don't think they realized how many knitters would show up. I didn't get a chance to talk with many people, but it seemed like a fun bunch. Maybe I'll run into some of them on my quest to find a knitting group in the area.
I got enough spun on the spindle sock yarn to finally start plying some of it:
That's my loverly Kingwood Turkish there. I was originally planning to wait and spin the whole braid of singles before I started in on the finished yarn, but I am slow with the drop spindle and I've been wanting to use this baby for MONTHS. So I wound a plying ball and started. It makes me feel accomplished.
Possibly also spurned by the Stash Deprivation I started spinning some other sock yarn this evening - its from this roving that I dyed:
I've divied it up into fourths and then again in fourths and I'm spinning the spingles now. I may cable ply in two sections to conserve bobbins (some of them seem to have wandered off to join my stored stash). The singles are clocking in at about 40WPI so it will be 4ply one way or another. It is going to stripe in long repeats:
Its not my stash... but its helping.
Possibly it was the knitting, possibly it was the laughing. Probably a bit of both.
Anyway, fun stuff. The group that showed up was an eclectic bunch. Old, young, male, female... you name it. We pretty much overran the upstairs of Bookpeople. I don't think they realized how many knitters would show up. I didn't get a chance to talk with many people, but it seemed like a fun bunch. Maybe I'll run into some of them on my quest to find a knitting group in the area.
I got enough spun on the spindle sock yarn to finally start plying some of it:

Possibly also spurned by the Stash Deprivation I started spinning some other sock yarn this evening - its from this roving that I dyed:

Oooh, ooh, not only are you an Austin knitter, you also spin! I was given a very sad Ashford traditional by my mother in law. It needs work. I don't have any spinning friends who can tell me what that work would be.
I usually go to the knitting group Wednesday nights at the Steeping Room (on meetup.com) and just RSVPed yes for the one at Bennu. I really like the Wednesday night one, but Bennu is so much closer to my house. I hope to see you there!
I've only gone to the wednesday night group about 4/5 times, and I really like the group. There are new people just about every time. There are say 4 or 5 people who are always there, and some semi-regulars who'll show up once or twice a month.
I plan on going to the weaving and spinning guild not this Thursday but the next. This week they have a speaker and it's a formal meeting, the next time is the informal meetup where people take their projects to work on. I emailed them and they were very helpful, said I should just let them know when I'd be going and they'd be sure to have somebody there to help me.
Anyway, hope to see you either wednesday or thursday! Liza
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