Friday, July 2, 2010

Fandom is stalking me again

I have freakishly overlapping and unrelated interests.

I guess its not that weird being a knitter and seeing knitting things everywhere, like in Dragon Age when Wynne jokes about knitting Sten a cloak or when the ads on the Citadel in Mass Effect try to sell me handspun and handwoven robes.

Then a few weeks ago Misha Collins joked on twitter* about knitting (I assume he was being facetious but then again the man seems to be both an evil genius - with minions even - and also quite predictably unpredictable so god only knows) and then this week I was catching up on the Knitmore Girl's podcast finally and they were talking about Supernatural and even knitting supernatural socks! With demon cloud yarn!

Not kidding.

The actual yarn from the podcast has a bit too much pink and white for my tastes (really... almost any pink is too much pink for my tastes) but it did give me an inkling to dye up my own evil type yarn in black and violet, maybe with really really small flecks of an acidy-sorta fuchsia (which is the only tolerable shade of pink-like-ness IMO and even then only in small quantities) and ideally on a Kraemer Sterling base because evil demon yarn should be sparkly.

Alternately, it might be fun to ply some of fiber spun in said colors with some of that trippy hologram thread like I used in the Mardi Gras yarn - but ya know.... in black or red instead of gold.

I am not sure if this means that a lot of knitters like Supernatural or a lot of Supernatural fans are knitters. Or maybe it didn't start that way and fandom is just something that knitters pass on to one another like a virus transmitted through yarn fondling (A Knitterly Transmitted Disease if you will).

More likely I am a crazy obsessed person reading too much into the overlap.

Or else my obessions really are stalking me.

One of the two. **

I have new yarn and a finished cardigan that I should talk about also. I think I'll do that when I'm feeling a little less geeky though.

*We're going to ignore the part where I am actually following someone on twitter in spite of my general opinion that twitter-ers are crazy ego-maniacs and no one wants to hear that much about how some random famous or un-famous person got groped by a guy with a purple mohawk at starbucks or whatever

**If Dean winds up being a closet sock knitter in season 6 or something I'm calling it full circle and the second one clearly true which will turn me even more into the first.


Jasmin said...

Dude, I initially was attracted to it *because* of the pink. It really is a very good approximation of the huge demon cloud.

Though, I wouldn't complain about sparkly Impala black. :) Why don't I own season 5 yet?!

Kleigh said...

Pink is a totally awesome color.

As long as it is someone other than me wearing, knitting with or otherwise enjoying it.

I think it stems from early childhood trauma and a 2year period where I refused to wear anything that was not either pink or purple. I have only recently rehabilitated myself to the later, so maybe there's hope yet.

I would guess because its not out on disk yet? (All that's stopping me anyway)