No. Really. They have. I was just ya know walking along, minding my own business and they swooped in and started hijacking people and taking them away to do evil experiments and stuff and so I had to rally up the troops and go hunt them down because the Fate of the Galaxy was at stake. It was crazy hard and everyone was being a jerk about my being dead and and so I just punched them all in the face and got on with it and then there was this big evil dead ship and more evil space zombie bugs that it turned out are really ---------- and I was super freaked out and I got the feeling the Fishman was hitting on me which was really sort of disturbing even though I totally liked him in concept but then there was an evil robot that wasn't really ---------- and more evil zombie space bugs and OMG CAN'T SLEEP. HAVE TO SAVE GALAXY.

What Garrus said.
As I understand it all this Galaxy saving made me a pretty amusing person to be around last week. Between the lack of sleep and adrenaline and caffeine I was basically running on I gather that most of my conversations with people that were not aliens (or humans that I was not allowed to kick off the ship) did not really follow a common thread of sense much.
Perhaps miraculously I did actually get quite a bit of knitting done though. I attribute this mostly to loading screens and my stubborn refusal never to click through dialogue even if I've already been through a section 4 times before.

I've started a new cardigan /shrug (shrugigan?) out of the red Inca Gold that I originally bought for the Vivian cardi back in December. That particular attempt didn't work out so well and I was all set to try it again... when I randomly decided that it would look just as good as a
Textured Circle Shrug and probably get more wear as that pattern also. Bonus for it being brainless enough to knit while half asleep at 2 am or at knitting group (I've been on a string of inability to knit and talk at the same time failures).
I am liking the pattern so far, its pretty intuitive, easy to modify and there was a big
KAL at Lion Brand for it so I have copious notes available from other people who have already knit it (and with any luck that have already messed it up so I don't have to - or at least blocked off some routes to my messing it up. I will have to be more ingenious to find some obscure and confused way to make this a disaster.)
I also finished some socks:

Malabrigo Sock yarn in Caribeno. 56st stockinette soles knit toe up with afterthought heels and 3x3 ribbed cuffs (increased to 60sts after the heel location). Pretty much my default socks.
I started these way back in... uh... it was summer I think. Or what passes for fall here. One of those two. I made big progress on them at the KidnEwe Festival and then sort of forgot about them for a month. My gauge was kind enough to walk off onto its own planet somewhere between sock 1 and 2. Its not a big fit difference but the pooling changed pretty dramatically around the cuff of the second sock.
Do like them, but find myself with no socks to work on now. I think this is OK as I'm thinking I may be suffering from sock burn out right now but I need to find something small and portable anyway. Maybe carrying my drop spindle around a lot instead for awhile.
I have been thinking about Olympic knitting projects lately. I think I have picked out my yarn:

It is Malabrigo Worsted in Buscando Azul. Which is a pretty awesome nearly solid blue.
But I am torn on the project. There are 4 skeins of the Malabrigo (840yds). I have been considering doing a
Shalom Cardigan (really more of a vest - though I would like to add some small sleeves if/when I do that one) but keep going back and forth on if I love it or it would linger in a dark corner of my closet once complete. Alternately I really really want (and am pretty sure I would wear - A LOT) a
Gallery Jacket. My issue with this one is that I might prefer it out of a non-wool fiber or at least something with a blend in it and multiple plies. I am thinking perhaps the black bamboo that's been in my stash forever would work. I am on the fence about being able to knit a sizable project from such a non flexible fiber in 2 weeks however. Also considering: a shorter sleeved version of the
February Lady's Sweater (made doubly appropriate since I'd be knitting it in February?), a
Back to School U-Neck Vest the main obstacle to which is that my copy of fitted knits is in Kentucky somewhere, a
Hey Teach! cardigan, which ironically I already have the suggested yarn for though I have not been able to get anything that resembles gauge with it (have also considered doing a
Rusted Root with said yarn instead), or a
Kelso Lace Cardigan which would actually probably work with any of the yarns I have in sweater amounts already and have already mentioned or, just to throw in one more option, some of the Arucania Lonco that I have with the strands held doubled (there is one knit in Paton's grace to support the idea that this would look pretty stellar in a lighter weight mercerized yarn).
I need some help picking this out clearly.
Anyway. Galaxy saving calls. (Did I mention there is an advert for handspun Asari burial robes on the citadel? I am now convinced there is a knitter on staff at bioware.)