So I watched the Season Finale of Supernatural last night and then I came home and cried about it for awhile and then I decided at 2am that what I really needed to fix everything was to block my Haruni shawl (because that's the logical progression from crying over the aborted fictional apocalypse) and so I did. *

I think I am going to miss working on it almost as much as I'm going to love having it finished.
I need to find another lace something now because I need comfort knitting.
Especially since this morning youtube had this: (total massive spoilers to anyone reads this and also watches supernatural and completely nonsensical to anyone else) and it made me cry again.
Also I started plying the purple SWMerino and its going to be awesome and also take forever because chain-plying 4oz of laceweight is just awesome like that but maybe soon I will have fresh handspun and comfort knitting and All Will Be Well Again (there is a cheesy way I could geek this out about things that never really end but my brain is operating at about 50% right now so I'll spare myself the later embarrassment - especially since I've already admitted to bawling over a TV show this post).
*There will be better shawl photos when it is not raining and I have extra hands available because its so much prettier in person.
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