I continue this month with my inability to complete things. I didn't realize just how bad it had gotten until I went to retrieve and empty spool to wind some BFL onto and found that I was on my last two. Normally I only get down to the last one or two if there is a very large project involved. I have 12 of them. And at least 6 bobbins for the sonata (possibly more, I'm not good at keeping track) all but one of which are partially or completely full - I make a point of having one reserved for plying but that's probably the only reason I have even that. And a number of half-filled drop spindles. And one half full bobbin on the CPW.
What I do not have is any finished handspun.
I would sort of like that to change sometimes soon.
I finished the lb of teal merino about 2 weeks ago. In happy land this should mean that all that's left is to ply it up and then pick something pretty to make with it.

In practice what it means is that I have to decide if I'm going to settle for a smaller project or if I'm going to spin up another 1/2 to 1 lb of something to ply it with (which was the original plan... but ugh, want finished yarn already). Its very pretty. And made me feel accomplished for a few days at least. Still, I'm waffling on the finishing.
I started up on 4oz of Fiber Optic Superwash Merino in "Black Magic" - which is awesome and has been in my stash way too long for something so pretty.

Ironically its probably got the best chance of being finished yarn sometime soon despite only having been in progress a week or so. I have around 3/4 of it spun and the plan is to chain ply to keep the color gradients intact. In hindsight it would have been pretty to leave it as a single but a) there is too much twist in it for that now and b) its superwash which I have trouble with as a soft spun single anyway.
Regardless... really nice fiber and I love the colors.
The rest of my singles have just sort of appeared. Like magic. Or bad organization maybe.

I have a bunch of carbonized bamboo that just sort of stalled out (there is more of it on a spindle somewhere). I have some (badly & by me) handcarded SWMerino/Bamboo/Firestar (the rest of which needs to be carded &/or re-appropriated and the ounce or so spun up relegated to scrap).

I have most of an ounce of leftover tussah, 1.5oz or so of some merino-tencel that I never finished spinning and ~3.5 oz of superfine merino (of which there is another bobbin of around here somewhere + 3-4oz of fiber and of which I have no idea what I will ever do with).

I have a spool of organic cotton that seems to have taken up permanent residence on my mantle along with all the little balls of scrap singles that seem to be breeding nearby. The little green one is one of my oldest. I keep telling him he'll grow up to be some interesting art yarn one day but I don't think he believes me anymore.
There are also 2 bobbins (1 finished and 1 maybe half finished) of SWBFL singles that I was too lazy to pull out of my wheel bag to photograph and all the spindle spun singles that I don't want to know about. And the CPW bobbin which is just full of sample bits and experiments right now and probably doomed to be another scrap ball someday soon. I vaguely recall some ramie and linen singles being around here as well.
So yeah. I have been spinning a lot and finishing... well nothing so far.
And my knitting is still the same. Lot of WIPS. No FOs.
I did block the body of my Firefly Cardi today:

So maybe that's something at least.
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