So rather than cast on OMG RIGHT NOW with the Black Magic (which I really want to do) I went stash diving to see what I had that could work for another shawl in my freakishly long queue.
I have a lot of yarn.
Unfortunately, a lot of the lace yarn I have is single hanks that all total about 450yds - which is just shy of what I need for pretty much everything I want to knit right now. Also unfortunately, after having finished the Haruni Shawl I only want to knit lace with handspun. Because its extra awesome that way.
I think this probably makes me some kind of uber-yarn-snob.
Like worse of one than I was before.
Anyway, I pulled out some of the yarn I have set aside for a Swallowtail (soysilk) but I don't really want to knit that right now and I keep looking at it and thinking - this would weave so much nicer than it would knit - so I put it back and then I pulled out the Zephyr and the beads I got for the Aeolian shawl back in... er... October? November? (The Zephyr's from the yarn crawl so awhile ago) but I'm just not feeling the navy lace right now and then I pulled out all my handspun (of which there is not actually that much because I seem to always either give it away or use it fairly quickly) and remembered I had this gray-blue BFL/Seacell/Silk blend and even though there's not enough of it for the Aeolian NOW I have 2oz left that can be spun up with relatively little angst and also it looks decent with the beads I already have.
So yay, I have a new shawl cast on!
I don't actually anticipate this with be a fast knit (because of the beads) or a particularly portable knit (also because of the beads) but hopefully it will hold me until I can either a) find the perfect project for the black magic or b) spin something else or c) get off my shawl kick.
Also I may have cast on some socks tonight. I'm not sure. It was a weird night.
1 comment:
Hey! I cast on some socks too! <3
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