So last night in a fit of frantic knitting I finished my Butterfly Moebius scarf. I've been knitting on it in little spurts for about 3 weeks now and I picked it up yesterday and just decided it need to be finished now.
This was one of those strange knits where I loved the pattern and I knew exactly what yarn I wanted to do it in, and then I got that yarn and in the most perfect colors and I started working on it.... and somehow it wasn't turning out quite like I expected. My red, purple and gold sea silk seemed to be blending into an overall shade that was approaching fuchsia. This was sort of depressing so I let some Wollmeise distract me for awhile and just let it sit in the knitting bag for a week.
Eventually though, sticking my hand in the knitting bag and brushing up against the silk got to be too much and I knew I had to finish it. If it turned out *blech*pink*blech*, well then I could give it to my mother. She likes the color (I am sure if she is reading this she is wishing that that had been the case in the end).
Which brings us to last night. I was ready to be done. There was still about 15g of yarn left on the skein but I was starting to think that there was a perfect width to the scarf and that I was just about there. Since I know from experience that I tend to talk myself into shortcuts about an inch before I should be considering them I forced myself to do four more repeats of the stitch pattern before finishing it off (since I had clocked myself earlier in the day at 30mins a repeat that was a real bit of penalty there).
I tossed it over my shoulders and... it was beautiful. It might be the most wonderfully gorgeous thing I've knit to date. Its not pink. Its all those great shades of fall leaves. Its soft and warm and feels like its giving me a hug when I wear it. It makes me feel pretty.
I went to bed thinking happy thoughts of how wonderful the scarf was and how fabulous it would be to wear it the next day.
This morning as I was getting ready I set the scarf out and started rifling through my closet. I needed something that would look great with the scarf. It should be black ideally, to offer the best contrast, not be suffering from any fading issues and simple - sleeves, scoop neck. Yes, that would work just wonderfully.
Or it would if the top in question wasn't the one I'd worn yesterday.
But its OK, I have other things that go with the scarf. A red top that matches one of the reds in the scarf itself. It looks good, but the lack of contrast takes some of the punch out of the initial impression. Its pretty and I should wear the two together someday... but not today, not on the first day I'll wear my scarf. There is a black tee that is cute and fitted, but it has short sleeves and even though the weather would be accomidating I balk at wearing a scarf without (at least 3/4) sleeves. I briefly consider my black silk shirt, but I'm going to work and to class - not the Symphony. It occurs to me with terror that I may not have anything to wear today. I consider the possibility of washing yesterday's top, but there's not enough time.
At this point I have to pause, because I've just spent 20 minutes trying to dress myself. Me who's idea of fashion consists of jeans and t-shirts and on rare occasions a jacket. Me who doesn't always remember to comb her hair and frequently doesn't bother to look in the mirror on the way out the door.
After I finish debating how much of a crazy person this makes me I fish out my remaining black top. I don't wear it very often because, well... it has cleavage issues. But hey - its black and has a scoop neck and the scarf falls right where the problems start so you'd never know that this top is a few milimiters away from flashing people. And OK, its still too short for my torso, but I have a black cami that I can wear underneath and tucked into my jeans that will contain the midriff show.
As I leave the house I consider the possibility that I need to go shopping. Clearly I do not have enough to wear with my scarf and this is a real problem. And that may still mean I'm crazy, but at least I'll be a well dressed crazy person.