So I've been saying for... oh three or four months now, that I am going to attempt a sweater/vest/top clothing-thing. I've actually bought yarn for one before (Tip: don't get yarn online unless you can play with it in person first... or at the very least don't buy a whole sweater's worth unseen and unswatched). My hang up is that for all the 200+ patterns I've queued since joining Ravelry I always get to the yarn shop and start looking around and then wind up having something that closely resembles a panic attack regarding either price, color choices or OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! And then I have to leave and go outside and sit in my car and breathe for awhile until I calm down.
Plenty of helpful shop owners have tried to assist me with not panicing, but for some reason it never works.
Usually I get home (with the 40$+ of sock yarn I just bought to make myself feel less like an ass for having a panic attack at the LYS, and also because sock yarn makes me feel better) and pull out my reciept and think - sheesh the cost thing was a stupid thing to be freaking out about since I just spent enough on socks I could have come home with that Merino/Cashmere blend which was just perfect except that it was the wrong color and because I was having my dumbass panic attack at the time it didn't even occur to me to write down what it was so I could look up if it came in the right color online.
Yesterday I did it again. I stopped at one of my LYS on the way home because I'd heard they had the fall/winter stock in and ho-boy did they. I was POSITIVE I was coming home with sweater yarn this time. I mean - silk and merino? bamboo and alpaca? merino and cashmere? And what did I do? I spent an hour carrying skeins around the store trying to coordinate colors and weights and...
After I finished having my meltdown I went back to the gorgeous new sock yarn they had (and that was right where I came in and crying 'pick me!' the whole time I was there and generally being distracting) and grabbed up 2 skeins. Oh it was pretty. Happy dreams of knee-high entrelac socks danced in my brain. It was so soft and wonderful though... perhaps I owed it to the yarn to do some lace? But then I would have to pick a color, and I liked both and I didn't want to choose!
When I got home and took the yarn out to pet I was looking at it thinking, this is a pretty fine fingering weight and I need a DK weight gauge for that vest I was thinking about... hmm. And as it turns out my hoard of panda silk is just about the same WPI... And well, its not going to hurt anything to swatch....
Gauge? Spot on.
AND because I am a wacky artist type while knitting it it enters my brain that using 2 strands at a time means I can do some colorblending! Whee!
So I finished my swatch of color choices last night. Its pretty and soft (and bonus - all superwash!) and now I'm carrying it around to ask people if they like it, because this would not be the first time I came up with a Brilliant Idea that was only brilliant until I worked on it for awhile. But anyway... I firmly believe this is either the most clever knitting thing I've done in months or the silliest.

Hottie or Nottie?
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