Its getting cold enough here that the house is being frigid at night (that annoying point where its not quite cold enough to justify the heater but too cold to be sitting without sweats and slippers) and so instead of suffering loss of toe sensation like usual this year I decided I was making me some felted slippers.
Now, I've never felted something before and I have assurances that yes, they are supposed to be enormous before they get all shrunk down so I am going to trust that just because these sock things are in fact sized for a Yeti they will (maybe) shrink down to fit my feet when I get around to felting them (sometime around Sunday maybe... or Tuesday if I take advantage of the brief break in gas costs and wander to Louisville on my day off).
Also at the end of last week I got my new Turkish Delight! She is pretty and light and cuddly and I love her very very much.

And with my trusty Beeswing Nara. They are being good and friendly and only sort of fighting for attention just now. And yeah, that rope of merino just ain't getting smaller lately.
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